Kath Ber is a large shrub or small tree, rarely to 8 m tall. Branches are
often straggling, branchlets angular and hairy. Alternately arranged
leaves, 5.5-8.5 x 3-5 cm, are ovate or elliptic-oblong or rounded, margin
crenate-serrate with callus points, tip blunt, base oblique, rounded. Leaf
stalk is 5-10 mm long. Flowers, 5-6 mm across, are yellowish or
yellowish-white, in velvety cymes in leaf axils. Sepals are 5, united,
2.5-3 x 1.5 mm. Petals 5, free, 1-1.5 mm long, spathulate, clawed. Stamens
5, antipetalous, inserted at the periphery of disc. Fruit 1.5-2 cm across,
spherical, hard, 2-3-seeded. Flowering: April-June.